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Теория эволюционных алгоритмов

D.-C. Dang, A.V. Eremeev, P.K. Lehre, X. Qin. Fast non-elitist evolutionary algorithms with power-law ranking selection. Proc. of GECCO 2022, pp. 1372–1380. Full text.
Abstract >>>
D.-C. Dang, A.V. Eremeev, P.K. Lehre. Non-elitist evolutionary algorithms excel in fitness landscapes with sparse deceptive regions and dense valleys. Proc. of GECCO 2021, pp. 1133-1141. Full text. Note the corrigendum to this paper.
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D.-C. Dang, A.V. Eremeev, P.K. Lehre. Escaping Local Optima with Non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms. Proc. of AAAI 2021, pp. 12275-12283.
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A.V. Eremeev Runtime Analysis of Non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms with Fitness-Proportionate Selection on Royal Road Functions. 2020 Cognitive Sciences, Genomics and Bioinformatics, CSGB 2020. International conference. Novosibirsk, Russia, IEEE, 2020. pp. 228-232. Self-archived version is available here.
Abstract >>>
A.V. Eremeev On non-elitist evolutionary algorithms optimizing fitness functions with a plateau. Proc. of International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research, MOTOR 2020, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 6-10, 2020 / Ed. by Kononov A., Khachay M., Kalyagin V., Pardalos P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12095, Springer, Cham. 2020. pp.329-342. Self-archived version is available here.
Abstract >>>
D.-C. Dang, A.V. Eremeev, P.K. Lehre. Runtime Analysis of Fitness-Proportionate Selection on Linear Functions. arXiv:1908.08686v1 [cs.NE]
Abstract >>>
D. Corus, D.-C. Dang, A.V. Eremeev, P.K. Lehre. Level-based analysis of genetic algorithms and other search processes, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2018, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 707-719. DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2017.2753538. Preliminary version: arXiv:1407.7663v2 [cs.NE]
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A.V. Eremeev. On proportions of fit individuals in population of mutation-based evolutionary algorithm with tournament selection. Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 26, Issue 2, 2018, pp.269-297. DOI:10.1162/EVCO_a_00210. Preliminary version is available here.
Abstract >>>
A.V. Eremeev. Hitting times of local and global optima in genetic algorithms with very high selection pressure. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. 2017. Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp. 323-339. DOI: 10.2298/YJOR160318016E.
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A.V. Eremeev. and J.V. Kovalenko Experimental Evaluation of Two Approaches to Optimal Recombination for Permutation Problems. In: F. Chicano, B. Hu, P. Garcia-Sanchez (Eds.) Proceedings of Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP 2016) LNCS Vol. 9595, 2016. pp. 138-153. The original publication is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-30698-8_10. © Springer-Verlag.
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D. Corus, D.-C. Dang, A.V. Eremeev, P.K. Lehre. Level-based analysis of genetic algorithms and other search processes Proc. of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XIII). Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014. Proceedings. Springer, LNCS 8672. 2014. P. 912-921.
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A.V. Eremeev, J.V. Kovalenko. Optimal recombination in genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems: Part I. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. Vol. 24. N 1. 2014. P. 1-20.
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A.V. Eremeev, J.V. Kovalenko. Optimal recombination in genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems: Part II. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. Vol. 24. N 2. 2014. P. 165-186.
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А.В. Еремеев Исследование эволюционных методов решения задач комбинаторной оптимизации. Диссертация на соискание уч. ст. д.ф.-м.н. по специальности 05.13.17 - "Теоретические основы информатики", 2013, Омск, 300 с.
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A.V. Eremeev. Non-elitist genetic algorithm as a local search method. Preprint (arXiv:1307.3463v2 [cs.NE]). 2013. 9 p.
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А.В. Еремеев, Ю.В. Коваленко О сложности оптимальной рекомбинации для одной задачи составления расписаний с переналадками. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. 2012. Т. 19, N 3, С. 13-26.
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A.V. Eremeev. On complexity of optimal recombination for the Travelling Salesman Problem. In: Peter Merz Jin-Kao Hao (Eds.) Proceedings of Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP 2011) LNCS Vol. 6622, 2011. pp. 215-225. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. © Springer-Verlag.
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А.В.Еремеев. О сложности оптимальной рекомбинации для задачи коммивояжера. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. 2011. Т. 18, N 1, С. 27-40.
Abstract >>>
B. Doerr, A. Eremeev, F. Neumann, M. Theile, C. Thyssen. Evolutionary algorithms and dynamic programming. Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 412. 2011. P.6020-6035. Abstract >>>
А.В.Еремеев. Вполне полиномиальная рандомизированная аппроксимационная схема на основе эволюционного алгоритма. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. 2010. Т. 17, N 4. С.3-17.
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А.В. Еремеев. О связи динамического программирования и многокритериальных эволюционных алгоритмов. Препринт. - Омск: Омский государственный университет, 2008 - 20 с. Abstract >>>
A. V. Eremeev. On complexity of optimal recombination for binary representations of solutions. Evolutionary Computation, 16 (1), 2008, pp. 127-147. © MIT Press Abstract >>>
P. A. Borisovsky A. V. Eremeev. Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms to the (1+1)-EA. Theoretical Computer Science. 403 (1), 2008, pp. 33-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2008.03.008. © Elsevier Science. A draft version is available here.
Abstract >>>
P. A. Borisovskii, A. V. Eremeev. Comparison of Certain Evolutionary Algorithms. Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 65, N 3, 2004, pp. 357-362. DOI: 10.1023/B:AURC.0000019365.10288.58
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П.А.Борисовский, А.В.Еремеев. О сравнении некоторых эволюционных алгоритмов. Автоматика и телемеханика. 2004. N 3. С. 3-9. © Наука.
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P.A.Borisovsky, A.V.Eremeev. A Study on Performance of the (1+1)-Evolutionary Algorithm. In K. De Jong, R. Poli, and J. Rowe, eds. Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 7. San Francisco. Morgan Kaufmann. 2003. pp. 271-287. © 2003 by Morgan Kaufmann, An Imprint of Elsevier Science. All rights reserved.
Abstract >>>
A.V.Eremeev, C.R.Reeves. Evolutionary algorithms in discrete optimisation. Book of abstracts of Discrete Optimization and Operations Research Conference (DAOR-2002). Novosibirsk, Russia. pp.40-45. Abstract >>>
P.A.Borisovsky, A.V. Eremeev. On Performance Estimates for Two Evolutionary Algorithms. In E.J.W.Boers et al. (Eds.) Applications of evolutionary computing: Proceedings of EvoWorkshops 2001. LNCS Vol. 2037, 2001. pp. 161-171. © Springer-Verlag.
Abstract >>>
A.V. Eremeev. Modelling and Analysis of Genetic Algorithm with Tournament Selection. (Сокращенная версия статьи опубликована в Proceedings of Artificial Evolution'99, LNCS Vol. 1829, 2000. pp. 84-95. © Springer-Verlag.)
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A. Eremeev and A. Spirov. Modeling SELEX for regulatory regions using Royal Road and Royal Staircase fitness functions. Biosystems. vol. 200, February 2021, 104312.
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А.В. Еремеев, А.В. Спиров. Применение оценок из теории эволюционных вычислений к процедурам направленной эволюции. Математические структуры и моделирование. т. 53, N 1. 2020. с. 56-76. Сопроводительные материалы - программа для вычисления верхней оценки вектора популяции.
Abstract >>>
Eremeev A.V., Borisovsky P.A., Kovalenko Y.V., Lysova N.Y., Fomina E.V. Estimation of Physical Performance Level of Man in Long Space Flight Based on Regular Training Data // Proc. of of the 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2019), Moscow, Russia, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1028. Springer, Cham. 2020. P. 166-175. Preliminary version available here.
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А.В. Спиров, А.В. Еремеев. Модульность в биологической эволюции и эволюционных вычислениях. Успехи современной биологии. 139 (6), 2019, с. 523-539.
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A. Eremeev and A. Spirov. Evaluation of runtime bounds for SELEX procedure with high selection pressure In: Proceedings of the 2019 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Prague, Czech Republic, July 13 - 17, 2019. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019, pp.113-114. DOI: 10.1145/3319619.3321906.
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A. Eremeev and A. Spirov. Estimates from evolutionary algorithms theory applied to gene design. In: 11th International Multiconference Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB), IEEE, 2018, pp. 33-38. DOI: 10.1109/CSGB.2018.8544837. Preliminary version available here.
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Сложность и аппроксимация задач выбора подмножеств

Eremeev A.V., Kel'manov A.V., Kovalyov M.Y., Pyatkin A.V. Selecting a subset of diverse points based on the squared Euclidean distance. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 2022. Vol. 90, N 7–9. pp. 965-977. View-only version is available here.
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Eremeev A.V., Kel'manov A.V., Pyatkin A.V. On Complexity of Searching a Subset of Vectors with Shortest Average Under a Cardinality Restriction Proc. of 5th International Conference "Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts", AIST 2016, Yekaterinburg, Russia, April 7--9, 2016 / Ed. by D.I.Ignatov, M.Yu.Khachay, V.G.Labunets, N.Loukachevitch, S.I.Nikolenko, A.Panchenko, A.V.Savchenko, K.Vorontsov. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 661, Springer. 2017. pp.51-57.
Abstract >>>
Eremeev A.V., Kel'manov A.V., Pyatkin A.V. On a Quadratic Euclidean Problem of Vector Subset Choice: Complexity and Algorithmic Approach // Proc. of 9th International Conference on Discrete Optimization and Operations Research and Scientific School (DOOR 2016), Vladivostok, Russia, September 19 - 23, 2016. CEUR-WS, Vol. 1623, RWTH Aachen University, P. 526-535.
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А.В.Еремеев, А.В. Кельманов, А.В. Пяткин О сложности некоторых евклидовых задач оптимального суммирования. Доклады Академии наук. Т. 468, N 4. 2016. С. 372-375.
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А.В.Еремеев, Л.А.Заозерская, А.А.Колоколов. Задача о покрытии множества: сложность, алгоритмы, экспериментальные исследования. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. Сер. 2. 2000. Т. 7, N 2. С.22-46.
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A.V. Eremeev. On Some Approximation Algorithms for Dense Vertex Cover Problem. Proceedings of SOR'99, Springer-Verlag, 2000. pp.58-62. © Springer-Verlag.
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Структурные свойства задач оптимизации

A.V. Eremeev and A.S. Yurkov. Finding symmetry groups of some quadratic programming problems. Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications. Vol. 16, No. 2, 2023, pp. 370-392.
Abstract >>> }
A.V. Eremeev, A.S. Yurkov Finding symmetry groups of some quadratic programming problems. Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications. Online first. Abstract >>>
А.В. Еремеев, К.Р. Ривс. О доверительных интервалах для числа локальных оптимумов. Математические структуры и моделирование. 41 (1), 2017, pp. 55-74. Abstract >>>
C.R.Reeves, A.V.Eremeev, Statistical analysis of local search landscapes. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 55 (7), 2004, pp. 687-693. Abstract >>>
A.V.Eremeev, C.R.Reeves. On confidence intervals for the number of local optima. Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of EvoWorkshops. LNCS, Springer, 2003. P. 224-235. © Springer-Verlag. Abstract >>>
A.V.Eremeev, C.R.Reeves Non-parametric Estimation of Properties of Combinatorial Landscapes. In S.Cagnoni et al. (Eds.) Applications of evolutionary computing: Proceedings of EvoWorkshops 2002. LNCS Vol. 2279, 2002. pp. 31-40. © Springer-Verlag. A software implementation of the estimators is available .
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Применение эволюционных алгоритмов

Еремеев А.В., Тюнин Н.Н. Алгоритм дифференциальной эволюции для оптимизации направленности фазированных антенных решеток. Математические структуры и моделирование. 63 (3), 2022, pp. 57-68. Abstract >>>
Blum C., Eremeev A., Zakharova Yu. Hybridizations of evolutionary algorithms with Large Neighborhood Search. Computer Science Review. 2022. Vol. 46, N 12. pp. 100512-1. Full text.
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Eremeev A.V., Kovalenko Y.V. A memetic algorithm with optimal recombination for the asymmetric travelling salesman problem. Memetic Computing. 12, 2020, pp. 23–36. DOI: 10.1007/s12293-019-00291-4
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A.V. Eremeev. A restarting rule based on the Schnabel Census for genetic algorithms. Proc. of Learning and Intelligent Optimization. (LION 12), Battiti R., Brunato M., Kotsireas I., Pardalos P. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11353. Springer, Cham, 2019. P. 337-351. Self-archived version is available here.
Abstract >>>
Eremeev A., Kovalenko Yu. Genetic algorithm with optimal recombination for the asymmetric travelling salesman problem. Proc. of The 11th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC-17), June 5 - 9, 2017, Sozopol, Bulgaria. Springer, 2018, LNCS Vol. 10665, pp. 332-339. Self-archived version is available here.
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А.Б. Долгий, А.В.Еремеев, М.Я. Ковалев, В.С. Сигаев Анализ задачи многокритериальной оптимизации емкости бункеров в производственной линии. Автоматика и телемеханика. N 7. 2017. С. 125-140.
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П.А. Борисовский, А.В.Еремеев Построение расписаний многопродуктового производства с использованием целочисленного линейного программирования и эволюционных вычислений. Информационные технологии. Т. 21, N 6. 2015. С. 412-421.
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А.В.Еремеев, Коваленко Ю.В. О задаче составления расписаний с группировкой машин по технологиям. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. 2011. T. 18, № 5. С. 54-79.
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Guschinskaya O., Gurevsky E., Dolgui A., Eremeev A. Metaheuristic approaches for the design of machining lines. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 55, Issue 1-4 (2011), pp. 11-22.
Abstract >>>
Dolgui, A., Eremeev, A., Guschinskaya, O. MIP-based GRASP and Genetic algorithm for balancing transfer lines. In: Matheuristics. Hybridizing Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming, Maniezzo, V., Stutzle, T. and Voss, S. (eds), 2010, Springer, pp. 189-208.
Abstract >>>
P. Borisovsky, A. Dolgui, A. Eremeev. Genetic algorithms for a supply management problem: MIP-recombination vs greedy decoder. European Journal of Operational Research, 195 (3) 2009, pp. 770-779. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2007.06.060. © Elsevier. Accepted authors manuscript.
Abstract >>>
A. Dolgui, A.V. Eremeev, V.S. Sigaev. HBBA: hybrid algorithm for buffer allocation in tandem production lines. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 18 (3), 2007, pp. 411-420. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. DOI 10.1007/s10845-007-0030-z.
Abstract >>>
Dolgui A., Eremeev A., Kolokolov A., Sigaev V. A Genetic Algorithm for the Allocation of Buffer Storage Capacities in a Production Line with Unreliable Machines. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms. 1 (2), 2002, pp. 89-104.
Abstract >>>
А.Б.Долгий, А.В.Еремеев, А.А.Колоколов, В.С.Сигаев Оптимизация размещения буферных устройств в автоматических линиях. Труды 12-й Байкальской международной школы-семинара "Методы оптимизации и их приложения", Иркутск, 2001, Т.1, с.138-143. Abstract >>>
A.V. Eremeev, A.A.Kolokolov, L.A.Zaozerskaya. A Hybrid Algorithm for Set Covering Problem Proc. of International Workshop "Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design". Minsk, Belarus, 2000. pp.123-129.
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А.В.Еремеев. Генетический алгоритм для задачи о наименьшем покрытии множества. (Журнальная версия: А.В.Еремеев. Генетический алгоритм для задачи о покрытии. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. Сер. 2. 2000. Т. 7, N 1. С.47-60. )
Abstract >>>
A.V. Eremeev. A Genetic Algorithm with a Non-Binary Representation for the Set Covering Problem. In Proceedings of OR'98, Springer-Verlag, 175-181, 1999. © Springer-Verlag. An updated version is available.
Abstract >>>
A.V.Eremeev, A.A.Kolokolov. On Some Genetic and L-class Enumeration Algorithms in Integer Programming. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Its Applications. Moscow, Russia. 1996, pp.297-303.
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Задачи теории расписаний и логистики

Еремеев А.В., Сахно М.Ю. Построение расписания для многоядерного процессора с учетом взаимного влияния работ. Вычислительные методы и программирование. 2023. 24. 115-126.
Abstract >>>
A. Eremeev, A. Gette, S. Hrushev and T. Levanova, Location and Design of Ground Stations for Software Defined Satellite Networks. In Proc. of 2022 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics), Omsk, Russian Federation, 2022, pp. 1-4. Full text.
Abstract >>>
Borisovsky P., Eremeev A., Kovalenko Y., Zaozerskaya L. (2021) Rig Routing with Possible Returns and Stochastic Drilling Times. In: Pardalos P., Khachay M., Kazakov A. (eds) Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research. MOTOR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12755. Springer, Cham. pp. 51-66. A self-archived version is available here.
Abstract >>>
Eremeev A.V., Malakhov A.A., Sakhno M.A., Sosnovskaya M.Y. (2020) Multi-core Processor Scheduling with Respect to Data Bus Bandwidth. In: Olenev N., Evtushenko Y., Khachay M., Malkova V. (eds) Advances in Optimization and Applications. OPTIMA 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1340. Springer, Cham, pp. 55-69. A preprint is available here.
Abstract >>>
Borisovsky P., Eremeev A., Kallrath J. Multi-product continuous plant scheduling: combination of decomposition, genetic algorithm, and constructive heuristic. International Journal of Production Research, published online, 2019. (DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1630764) Abstract >>>
Borisovsky P., Eremeev A., Hrushev S., Teplyakov V., Vorozhtsov M. On three approaches to length-bounded maximum multicommodity flow with unit edge-lengths. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 29, N 1, 93-112 (2019) (DOI: 10.2298/YJOR181015034B)
Abstract >>>
A. V. Eremeev, M. Y. Kovalyov, P. M. Kuznetsov Lot-size scheduling of a single product on unrelated parallel machines. Optimization Letters, 14, 2020, pp. 557–568. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-018-1307-1 Original manuscript.
Abstract >>>
A. V. Eremeev, M. Y. Kovalyov, P. M. Kuznetsov Single product lot-sizing on unrelated parallel machines with nondecreasing processing times. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 944, N 1, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018, 7 pages.
Abstract >>>
Dolgui, A.B., Eremeev, A.V., Kovalyov, M.Y., Sigaev, V.S. (2018). Complexity of Bi-objective Buffer Allocation Problem in Systems with Simple Structure. In: Eremeev, A., Khachay, M., Kochetov, Y., Pardalos, P. (eds) Optimization Problems and Their Applications. OPTA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 871. Springer, Cham. pp. 278–287. The final publication is available at www.springerlink.com. A self-archived version is available here.
Abstract >>>
Eremeev A., Kovalenko Yu. On Solving Travelling Salesman Problem with Vertex Requisitions. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 27, N 4, 413-424 (2017) (DOI: 10.2298/YJOR161012003E)
Abstract >>>
Eremeev A., Kovalenko Yu. Mixed integer programming approach to multiprocessor job scheduling with setup times. In Proc. of 9th International Conference "Discrete Optimization and Operations Research" (DOOR 2016), Vladivostok, Russia, September 19-23, 2016, LNCS Vo. 9869, Springer, 2016, P.298-306. © Springer-Verlag. The original publication is available here.
Abstract >>>
A.V. Eremeev, J.V. Kovalenko On multi-product lot-sizing and scheduling with multi-machine technologies. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2014. Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), (September 2-5, 2014), 2016, Springer, pp. 301-306. © Springer-Verlag.
The original publication is available here.
Abstract >>>
А.В. Еремеев, Ю.В. Коваленко Эффективно разрешимые случаи задачи календарного планирования с переменной интенсивностью потребления и поступления ресурсов нескладируемого типа. Известия Иркутского государственного университета. 2014. Т. 9, N 3, С. 26-38.
Abstract >>>
P. Borisovsky, A. V. Eremeev, J. Kallrath. Reducing the number of changeover constraints in a MIP formulation of a continuous-time scheduling problem. Proc. of VIII International School-Symposium "Analysis, Modelling, Management and Development of Economical Systems" (AMUR-2014). - Sevastopol, Russia, 2014, pp. 46-50. Preprint available as arXiv:1408.5832v1.
Abstract >>>
A. Dolgui, A.V. Eremeev, M.Y. Kovalyov and V.S. Sigaev. Complexity of buffer capacity allocation problems for production lines with unreliable machines. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research, 12 (2), 2013, pp.155-165. The final publication is available at www.springerlink.com. A self-archived version is available here.
Abstract >>>
A. Dolgui, A. V. Eremeev, M. Y. Kovalyov, P. M. Kuznetsov Multi-product lot sizing and scheduling on unrelated parallel machines. IIE Transactions. 2010, 42 (7) pp. 514 - 524.
Abstract >>>
A. V. Eremeev, M. Ya. Kovalyov and P. M. Kuznetsov. Approximate solution of the control problem of supplies with many intervals and concave cost functions. Automation and Remote Control. 2008, 69 (7) pp. 1181-1187 © MAIK Nauka. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117908070096.
Abstract >>>
Еремеев А.В., Ковалев М.Я., Кузнецов П.М. Приближенное решение задачи управления поставками со многими интервалами и вогнутыми функциями стоимости. Автоматика и телемеханика. 2008. N 7. С. 90-97. © Наука. Имеется предварительная версия.
Abstract >>>
A. Dolgui, A. Eremeev, M. Kovalyov. Multi-product lot-sizing and scheduling on unrelated parallel machines. Research Report 2007-500-011, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France, 2007, 15p.
Abstract >>>
А.В. Еремеев, П.М. Кузнецов Приближенное решение задачи управления поставками со многими интервалами. Вестник Омского университета. 2006. N 3.
Abstract >>>
А.В. Еремеев, А.А. Романова, В.В. Сервах, С.С. Чаухан. Приближенное решение одной задачи управления поставками. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. Сер. 2. 2006. Т. 13, N 1. с.27-39.
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S.S. Chauhan, A.V. Eremeev, A.A. Romanova, V.V.Servakh. Approximation of linear cost supply management problem with lower-bounded demands. Proceedings of Discrete Optimization Methods in Production and Logistics (DOM'2004). Omsk. Nasledie Dialog-Sibir Pbs., 2004. pp. 16-21.
Abstract >>>
S.S. Chauhan, A.V. Eremeev, A.A.Kolokolov, V.V.Servakh. Concave cost supply management problem for single manufacturing unit. In: Supply Chain Optimisation, Product/Process Design, Facility Location and Flow Control. Ed. by A. Dolgui, J. Soldek, O. Zaikin. Series : Applied Optimization, Vol. 94, 2005. Springer Verlag, pp. 167-174.
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Задачи оптимизации для рынков электроэнергии

A.V. Eremeev. On computational complexity of the electric power flow optimization problem in market environment. Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2017, Vol. 11, Issue 4, - P. 500-505.
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А.В. Еремеев. О вычислительной сложности задачи оптимизации потокораспределения в электроэнергетической системе в условиях рынка. Дискретный анализ и исследование операций. 2017. Т. 24, N 4. с. 47-59. DOI: 10.17377/daio.2017.24.573.
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А.В. Еремеев, Э.А. Тарасенко. Алгоритмы решения задачи выбора хаба с заданным числом узлов. Математические структуры и моделирование 2016, Вып. 38, N 2. - P. 43-59.
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P.A. Borisovsky, A.V. Eremeev, E.B. Grinkevich, S.A. Klokov and N.A. Kosarev. Trading hubs construction in electricity markets using evolutionary algorithms. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 2014, Vol. 24, Issue 2, - P. 270-282.

Препринт статьи, принятой к публикации в журнале Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014.
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P.A. Borisovsky, A.V. Eremeev, E.B. Grinkevich, S.A. Klokov and A.V. Vinnikov Trading hubs construction for electricity markets. In: Optimization in the Energy Industry. J. Kallrath, P.M. Pardalos, S. Rebennack, M. Scheidt (Eds.), 2009, Springer, - P. 29-58.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com..
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А.В. Еремеев. О сложности одной задачи оптимизации режима электроэнергетической системы в условиях рынка. Труды 13-й Байкальской международной школы-семинара "Методы оптимизации и их приложения", Т. 5. Иркутск, 2005, с. 131-135.
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